Yvette Mayer

6 steps to creating powerful copy, solo episode #48

I'm always listening to what's coming up for my clients (whether they're private or in one of my group programs) and, well, here's the thing. lately I've observed a copywriting theme.

As in, "I'm struggling with writing my emails, offer pages and social posts....and I really wish I could afford to out source" - or "how can you help me"?!

Which leads me to believe, that this is a topic well worth exploring here on the podcast.

Sales coach Phil Lee on the key pillars of successful selling (yes please!) podcast #24

How do you feel about selling? If you're anything like me, it's a have to do, not a want to do.

That said, if you're an entrepreneur, you don't have a choice. So yes, it's high time to get comfortable with selling! Note to all: your potential customers need your incredible product/service, so it's a disservice NOT to sell it to them.

Todays guest, Phil Lee is introduced by me in this episode as a sales guru. Which wasn't planned, but there you go! He deserves the title, having successfully coached (taught) many individuals to convert multiple 6 and even 7 figure deals. You read that right.

Yes you can reinvent your entire career at 56, from Corporate Exec to Life & Business Coach, with Ilyse Craft, podcast #4

Ilyse and I first connected on LinkedIn, almost 6 months ago - she's based in LA and I'm in Sydney. What started as a coaching relationship has since evolved into a friendship. We are colleagues and future collaborators.

The story of the last six months of Ilyse's life is the stuff of incredible inspiration. After a health scare a year ago, she realised that she was no longer content to just survive. She absolutely chose to thrive. Or as Ilyse said - she decided.

Part of what she decided was to go all in with her coaching business. To take her small in person practice mainstream via a little thing called the internet. Another aspect was the 40 pounds that has since melted away.