yvette mayer consulting

10 ways to turn what you know and love, into an online business, a solo episode with Yvette, podcast #23

Yes you can turn what you know & love into an online business.

Truthfully, it took me actually leaving my corporate role to figure this out. Here’s the thing, From the view inside that job, you’re surrounded by others doing much of the same. Your conditioning prevents you from seeing the full (very big) picture.

A story of evolution in my business and why I will be back with a vengeance in a hot minute! Episode #22

Ok, let's be honest, my weekly publishing record has been broken lately. Sorry peeps.

Today I share why I've been less consistent, what I've learned in the past couple of months AND ultimately I make a commitment to jumping back in (more committed than ever before!).

Energetic coach, Tracey Gillies & I chat about the power of the body, mind, soul, spirit connection & her joint business with hubby Greg, podcast ep #20

In the midst of COVID-19, this episode is timely.

In it, Tracey Gillies shares here passion for the energetics of healing. The fact that we are all energy. And that it's possible to grow your business, step by step, relying on testimonies and intuition for fuel.

As well as being a coach for women, Tracey also supports her hubby's male clients, who while at first seem unconvinced quickly discover the power of energetic healing.