Gate 2 Human Design: Marketing Insights for Your Personal Brand — YVETTE MAYER


Gate 2 Human Design: Marketing Insights for Your Personal Brand

Gate 2 Human Design

✔️Get the marketing & branding insights for your personal Human Design Chart and Gates inside your custom reading report


The official Human Design name for Gate 2 is gate of ‘the direction of Self’ or ‘Higher Knowing’. This is the innate sense of ‘direction’ we are born with, situated in our G center, it’s the center of direction and purpose.

Your soul is ultimately the driver and innately knows the direction you are moving in (be that separation or union with the divine). This knowing feeds your intentions, behaviours and actions - even relationships - knowing who’s moving with you and who’s not.

The channel of the Beat 2 - 14

The sacral energy of Gate 14 (resources and personal power) provides Gate 2’s knowing a drive and flow to keep moving in the soul’s direction. And Gate 2 provides gate 14’s powerful energy an identity and purpose.

People with the channel of Beat are considered visionaries who when aligned with their own sense of direction empower others to follow theirs. And here’s a fun fact - this is the only Channel I have in my Human Design chart and I definitely make this my lifes work!

With a keynote of empowerment, Gate 2 brings transformation through ‘form’ which also happens to be the theme of the second Quarter of Human Design, which it initiates. Which means, Gate 2 is the first of the quarter’s gates and is rooted in a kind of duality consciousness. This is where ideas are made manifest (actually happen!). And that brings me to the topic of manifestation 👇

Gate 2, Cosmic Content Code: MANIFESTATION MAGNET

From a marketing perspective, I call gate 2 the manifestation magnet which is a brand archetype that understands the law of attraction and champions the importance of living with the intention to receive desired results.

As a Gate 2 brand, you hold the belief that abundance is the natural consequence of placing attention intentionally. You hold an appreciation of the power in the balance of masculine and feminine energy within us all.

Being a Gate 2 brand when you showcase your bigger vision through your marketing message and leadership, you inspire others toward their big vision and potential + guide what resources (gate 14) to attract and build for the vision to be realized.

✔️ If you want to learn how to work with this energy in tandem with your type, profile, strategy & authority to build your magnetism then the custom Human Design for Marketing reading report is for you!

Gate 2 Transit energy

As I write this post, Gate 2 is stationed in the Solar (sun) transit which happens at the start of May. It’s a good time to tap into and fine-tune your abundance mindset and be open to ‘receiving by being’ (even if you do not have this gate in your chart). Or if you have gate 14 hanging in your chart then the Gate 2 transit will complete the channel this week.

If you have Gate 2 in your personality Sun placement (your birthday gate) or any other chart placement, especially Mercury (your communication codes), then check out what this means for your marketing and content strategy in my latest “Cosmic Content Code” episode on YouTube here:

If you have gate 2 activated in your chart

You appreciate the divine balance of masculine and feminine energies within us all. .

Also, you very likely hold the belief that:

Where attention goes, energy flows

This means you have a natural gift of knowing where to place your intention and where your magnetism lies. With this naturalness, you attract the right kind of people, experiences, resources and abundance you desire, by simply being your true authentic self.

Gate 2 brings a strong connection to your purpose and clarity of vision, rooted in your sense of self (G center).

Your receptivity lends you creative capabilities that are divinely powered and this can make you a little bit of a rebel, who can lead through meaningful yet fairly unorthodox ways.


THE SHADOW OF gene key 2 is dislocation

The shadow of the second gene key is about the feeling of being lost and detached (disoriented) from your direction, purpose and destiny.

This shadow manifests as resourceful materialism and selfishness as a result of the mind (ego) driving the agenda and not the soul. Or it can manifest as being miserable by not surrendering to alignment within the true self.

THE GIFT OF gene key 2 IS orientation

The second gene key gift is about finding support and taking resourceful action to reorient yourself to the soul and away from the mind.

The gift of awareness that everything fits together in a perfect harmony empowers you to heal, learn, grow and ultimately reconnects you to the universe, spirit and the greater cosmic plan. Your energy can bring yourself and others into surrendered alignment with life.

The journey from shadow to gift happens when you awaken out of selfishness and open your eyes to the suffering of another. When you trust that we are all are one and open your heart without agenda.

This will also lead to you releasing any hidden rage or resentment from forced structure by tapping into a more divine rhythm and flow.

Gate 2 Insights

✔️ This ☝️ and more tailored marketing insights in your custom Human Design for Marketing reading report including your type, profile, incarnation cross, channels and gates (Sun & Mercury) will help build your unique Marketing magnetism.


If you have Gate 2 in your Personality Sun (or Mercury), you embody the trust in the Divine feminine and advocate that there is no competition, no good, no bad, no ego, no fear - just love. This is your brand energy which is driven by a vision of bringing Unity to the collective awareness.

Your brand story highlights the power of the law of attraction and how intentional living is rewarded with abundance. Manifestation is your jam and you activate manifesting potential within others as well.

As a Gate 2 brand (esp line 1) you have an eye for beauty and aesthetics and that’s a part of your strong brand presence.

When it comes to positioning your offers, make sure you own your Gate 2 manifestation capabilities and show people how you bring new visions to life by aligning to your purpose and how they can too.


No matter the niche you’re in, as a coach, healer, network, or digital marketer, your clients/customers are looking for help. They especially need help when they are feeling a lack of direction or resources.

When the Sun (or Mercury) is in Gate 2, encourage your audience to turn inwards to discover they have all the resources they need to fulfill their vision. Share how saying yes to the right actions can open up floodgates of abundance.

Here are some relevant and resonant content prompts in alignment with Gate 2. Share:

  • what you've manifested, and how

  • transformations that showcase the possible

  • creating results via attention on the right things

  • laws of manifestation & the importance of faith in the Universe

  • the material change that is available through being intentional

  • you can't repeat the same steps and expect a different outcome

  • teaching others how to become more magnetic (and attract abundance)

If this is your “birth sign” (gate) let us know how you resonate with the energy of this gate in the comments. How would you tap into the background transit frequency to turn up the volume on your messaging?

What stands out to you and what do you relate to the most?

Share your thoughts and ask questions in the comment box below.

Here for your Marketing Support,
