Human Design Gates

Gate 11: Ideas Activator, Human Design for Marketing Quantum Codes

In my Cosmic Content Codes, I call gate 11 the “Idea Activator”. It means having a constant stream of ideas available and the instinct to understand what is worth pursuing and when. Channeling ideas through careful assessment and having a desire for peace at the heart of it all.

If you have gate 11 in your chart (as Sun sign or as other activations), you are a dynamic creative. You have the capacity for channeling ideas and..

Gate 26 Human Design: Gate of Selling Marketing Insights

In Human Design, Gate 26 is gate of ‘accumulation’. In my Cosmic Content Codes I call it “Sales with Integrity”. It means possessing natural talent for sales and a desire to sell in alignment with values and integrity. The ability to understand that selling is an essential gateway to service and sustainability. People with gate 26 defined are excellent negotiators and have great sales skills.

Gate 5 Human Design: Gate of Rhythm Insights for Marketing and Branding

In Human Design, Gate 5 is called the gate of ‘waiting’ or ‘fixed patterns’ and is the energy of perseverance and patience. It is persevering through life both by attuning to the natural rhythms and honouring personal rhythms and patterns.

In my Cosmic Content Codes, I call it “Consistency Compounds”. It means holding a big vision, taking daily inspired action and trusting the process.

Gate 9 Human Design: Gate of Details & Focus, Marketing Insights

In Human Design, Gate 9 is the gate of Focus and Details, also called “Energy for Details”. In my Cosmic Content Codes, I call it Intentional Magic. It means focusing with intention on the details that matter for magical outcomes. Paying attention to the right details cuts the unnecessary, allowing strong will and “determination” on the path forward and that is the gift frequency of 9th Gene Key.

The shadow of the gate 9, “Inertia” can appear as the feeling of “overwhelm” in struggles of doing it all.

Gate 34: Power over Force, The Gate of Power - Human Design for Marketing

In Human Design, Gate 34 is the gate of Power. In my Cosmic Content Codes, I call it “Power over Force” because this gate overrides the energy of forceful trying and replaces it with the power of surrendering and having faith in divine timing. The journey from shadow to gift typically involves trying to force results to no avail and ultimately learning that what is meant for you won't pass you by.

Gate 14 Human Design: Gate of Skills Marketing Insights

Gate 14’s energy is knowing how to turn your gifts, talents and skills into prosperity. And having confidence that resources flow when all is aligned with your soul’s purpose and for the highest good. In Human Design, gate 14 is named “power skills”. Using your gifts, talents and skills to attain abundance.

Gate 43 Human Design: Gate of Insight and Intuition, Marketing Insights

In Human Design, Gate 43 is the gate of Insight and Intuition. I call it “Trusting in Originality”, that means, the power of listening to your intuition to access deep insights. It’s a hugely creative energy, although it may feel like a bit of a roller coaster, as we move from being deaf to our inner truth into the breakthrough insights or realization.

Gate 1 Human Design for Marketing and Business: Gate of Creativity

Gate 1: Cosmic Content Code:

Authentic Creativity

As I write this post, Gate 1 is stationed in the Sun position in the transits (which happens each year around the 2nd week of November). I explore this transit energy on my YouTube Channel in my “Cosmic Content Code” series, watch the full episode here:

In human design, Gate 1 is "creative self expression". It is the energy of the founders, creators & original thinkers. Artists, creatives, pioneers and leaders exhibit this energy.

Although I don’t have this gate defined in my chart, I felt the background frequency of this gate in full blow this week.