healing — Blog | Human Design for Marketing & Business — YVETTE MAYER



What's your definition of success?

What's your definition of success?

What is your definition of success? It occurred to me recently that for me, winning and success go hand in hand. I’ve been driven by a desire to win for as long as I can remember. Embarrassingly, my memory even features scenes of me crying after coming second in a swim club race. Not lying. #cringefactormassive

That was a long time ago, but the belief system remains. If I’m not winning, then I consider myself not only unsuccessful, but I will even go as far as to tell myself I’m failing. This I can report, is a sure fire way of creating a hard wired damaging self talk pattern. For me it’s led to a lack of self worth and sometimes even a little self loathing.

Hope is not big enough, without attaching it to dreams

I am at a cross roads. This week, I officially completed all of my health coaching studies and graduation requirements. Whilst I still have to wait for my Certificate, the fact is I am now a qualified, certified Health Coach. In some regards this is cause for celebration, in others, it's signified a big change. And change is scary. At least it is if you don't have an eye on what you want to achieve big picture. When you do, change often times becomes more exciting and liberating than fear ridden.

How to get your happy on

We all have those days, weeks and sometimes even months. Whether you’ve recently been through something traumatic, it’s a hormone issue or you are just in a funk. I’m talking about times in your life when bounding out of bed with a smile on your face feels as achievable as walking on the moon.  (Note - if you are possibly clinically depressed don’t read this, go to the Doctor).

My five year cancerversary & five lessons

Late last week it dawned on me that I'd managed to forget a rather big medical milestone. That being that it was officially five years since my breast cancer diagnosis (in fact a little over by the time I realized).  Cancer and five year statistics often times go together. It's an official milestone for most that signifies a change in statistics for the better. All up, survival rates improve for those that make it past the five-year mark. So it is a cause for celebration.

Inch by inch

I wrote last week about my committment to start beefing up my good wolf.  To really changing my thought patterns.  I have been trying. I really have. But as I suspected this process is not fast or easy. Indeed I feel like my automatic reaction is in the other direction, like I've built a neural path way over time. Which is why it's also going to take time to retrain myself toward my more natural state of being. That state of being called love. Love in the form of kindness, compassion, peace, empathy, generosity, forgiveness and hope. 

Which wolf are you feeding?

Twice recently I've been told the story of the two wolves by yoga teachers. Firstly at Wanderlust in Lake Tahoe and then more recently at Love Yoga this weekend (Montauk - Heather Lilleston). In both instances I was struck by the simplicity of the story. And the amount of truth in it. I can totally identify with the concept. 

Take care of you!

I am currently studying with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, learning to be a health coach (in today's news so is Pippa Middleton apparently!). The course load is roughly 5-7 hours per week for a year, with materials largely being video 'modules'.  These modules vary greatly, but my favorite ones are always the guest speakers, they are typically very inspiring as well as educational.

This week, the first two lectures were by Bernie Siegal MD. What an interesting character, I was mesmerized watching him. And his very aligned POV to my own made it very compelling. Funny that, I am always drawn to the lecturers who most 'speak my language'.